May 2022


Highlight and Bold Matching Text Salesforce Lightning Web Component LWC

Sample Code:HTML: <template>     <lightning-card title="Highlight and Bold Matching Text">         <div onkeyup={handleKeyUp} class="slds-m-around_medium">             <lightning-input                 label="Search"                 type="search"                 onchange={handleChange}                 value={searchKey}             ....


How to highlight matching text in Salesforce using Lightning Web Component(LWC)?

Sample Code: HTML: <template>     <lightning-card title="Highlight Matching Text">         <div onkeyup={handleKeyUp} class="slds-m-around_medium">             <lightning-input                 label="Search"                 type="search"                 onchange={handleChange}                 value={searchKey}             ></lightning-input> ....


How to display matching text in bold in Salesforce using Lightning Web Component(LWC)?

Sample Code: HTML: <template>     <lightning-card title="Bold Matching Text">         <div onkeyup={handleKeyUp} class="slds-m-around_medium">             <lightning-input                 label="Search"                 type="search"                 onchange={handleChange}                 value={searchKey}             ></lightning-input> ....


Asynchronous Salesforce Flow Limit

Please note that both the asynchronous and scheduled paths in the Salesforce Flows are subject to the same asynchronous per-transaction Apex limits.Reference Article: "Per-Transaction Apex Limits" in The "Asynchronous ....