How to navigate to a Visualforce page when the Salesforce Flow is Finished?

How to navigate to a Visualforce page when the Salesforce Flow is Finished?

We can use Lightning Out App and Visualforce page to navigate to a Visualforce page when the Salesforce Flow is Finished or Completed.

In the Visualforce page, JavaScript method can be used to navigate to the Visualforce page.

Sample Code:

Lightning Application:

<aura:application access="global" extends="ltng:outApp" >
    <aura:dependency resource="lightning:flow"/>

Visualforce Page for List Button:

<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
            <apex:includeLightning />
        <body class="slds-scope">
            <div id="flowContainer"/>
                console.log( 'Before JS Start' );
                let statusChange = function ( event ) {
                    if ( event.getParam( "status" ) === "FINISHED" ) {
                        let outputVariables = event.getParam( "outputVariables" );
                        let strURL = '/apex/SampleVFPage?';
                        for( key in outputVariables ) {
                            strURL += outputVariables[ key ].name + '=' + outputVariables[ key ].value + '&';
               strURL, '_self' );
                $Lightning.use( "c:FlowApp", function() {
                        "lightning:flow", {
                            "onstatuschange" : statusChange 
                        function ( component ) {
                            component.startFlow( "Sample_Screen_Flow" );
                        } );
                console.log( 'After JS End' );

Visualforce page to Open from the Flow when finished:

    <apex:form id="frm">
                            value="Back to Accounts" 
                            onclick=" '/lightning/o/Account/list', '_self' );"

Sample Flow:

Salesforce Flow Screen Element:

Salesforce Flow Assignment Element:

Salesforce Visualforce List Button:


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