Tuples in Python
Tuples in Python are similar to list data type. It makes use of ( and ). List uses [ and ]. The significant difference is, once we create the Tuples, ....
Tuples in Python are similar to list data type. It makes use of ( and ). List uses [ and ]. The significant difference is, once we create the Tuples, ....
RegEx(Regular Expression) can be used to get URL without path in Python. Sample Code: import re serverUrl = 'https://infallibletechie.my.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/29.0/00Di0000000icUB/0DFi00000008UYO'; strURL = re.findall( "(https://.*?)/", serverUrl )[ 0 ]; print( 'strURL is', strURL ....
RegEx(Regular Expression) can be used to parse to parse Salesforce Login SOAP Response in Python. Sample Code: import re strXMLString = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <soapenv:Body> <loginResponse> ....
Dictionaries in Python are used for data collection. They are similar to map data type in other programming languages where we use key and value pairs. dict(): dict() is used ....
A collection or list allows us to store multiple values in a variable. for and in statements can be used to iterate a list in Python programming. Example: fruits = ....
open() and read() methods play a vital role in handling files in Python. open(): open() method is used to read and write files. Syntax: open( filename, mode ); modes are ....
while loop: While loop executes repeatedly the block of code until the condition becomes false. Sample Code: strNumber = input( 'Please Enter a Number' ); intNumber = int( strNumber ); ....
Functions are used to store and reuse code. def statement is used to define the Functions. Built-In or Pre-defined Functions: max, min, print, input, float, int, etc. are Built-In Python ....
try and except keywords are used in Python for try and catch. Indentation plays an important role in try and catch statements in Python. Example: #Expecting age value from the employee ....
Indentation plays an important role in else if Statement in Python. elif refers to else if statement in Python. Example: #Expecting age value from the employee strAge = input( 'Please share ....