Invoke Salesforce Prompt Template using Apex
Sample Prompt Template: Sample Template Content: You are a support representative who is tasked with creating a short summary of a Case that occurred between a customer and a company ....
Sample Prompt Template: Sample Template Content: You are a support representative who is tasked with creating a short summary of a Case that occurred between a customer and a company ....
ProcessInstance object/entity contains the current pending Approval Step. TargetObjectId can be used to get the Approval Step for the record. Using the ProcessInstance, we can query the ProcessInstanceWorkitem object/entity to ....
Salesforce Apex Trigger can be used to set the latest Opportunity for an Account. In the following Apex Trigger, I have used a custom field "Latest_Opportunity__c" on the Opportunity Object. ....
EmailMessages.getFormattedThreadingToken() returns the email threading token that is formatted with the correct prefix and suffix which is used in the Salesforce Email-To-Case threading. The returned token can be added to ....
Configurations in Salesforce for Messaging for In-App and Web REST API: 1. Create a Messaging Channel of type "Messaging for In-App and Web". 2. Activate the Messaging Channel. 3. Create ....
We can handle Opportunity and Opportunity Product creations using the Salesforce Agentforce. In this Blog Post, I have used Apex Agent Action to handle the record creations. To setup Messaging ....
SOQL to find Products without Price Book Entries: SELECT Id, ProductCode FROM Product2 WHERE Id NOT IN ( SELECT Product2Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Pricebook2Id = '01sSB000006IC45YAG' ) Sample Apex Code ....
@InvocableMethod annotation helps to invoke apex class and method from the Salesforce Agentforce Apex Action. @InvocableVariable annotation can be used to pass multiple parameters from the Salesforce Agent Action to ....
We can achieve rows selections across multiple pages when using pagination in lightning-datatable, by storing the selected rows in a variable. Sample Apex Class: public class SampleLightningWebComponentController { @AuraEnabled public ....
We cannot hide and show the check box in the lightning-datable for the rows. So, for conditional selection, we can validate the selected rows and throw an error if the ....