Recursive triggers in Salesforce
You want to write a trigger that creates a new record as part of its processing logic; however, that record may then cause another trigger to fire, which ....
You want to write a trigger that creates a new record as part of its processing logic; however, that record may then cause another trigger to fire, which ....
trigger.isInsert is true when a new record is created and inserted. trigger.isUpdate is true when an existing record is modified. Example: trigger memberInviteNotify on Member__c (after insert,after update) { ....
The below trigger is used to warn the users if the Filename of an attachment already exists. Trigger: /* Trigger to Warn for Duplicate Attachment Names */ trigger ....
The below trigger is used to warn the users if the Content of an attachment already exists. Trigger: /* Trigger to Warn for Duplicate Attachment Names */ trigger ....
The below trigger is used to warn the users if the Filename of an attachment already exists. Trigger: /* Trigger to Warn for Duplicate Attachment Names */ trigger ....
In order to write trigger for Attachment, we have to use Eclipse tool.
Sample Code: Trigger: trigger AccountTrigger on Account ( before insert ) { for ( Account acct : ) { if ( acct.Name == 'Test Account' ) acct.Description = 'Test'; ....
To write/develop a unit-test/test class for Salesforce Apex Triggers, then in the Test Class, we have to do the DML operations based on the events used in the Apex Trigger. ....
Sample Trigger: trigger memberInviteNotify on Member__c ( after insert,after update ) { List < Messaging.SingleEmailMessage > listMessages = new List < Messaging.SingleEmailMessage >(); for ( Member__c member:trigger.New ) .... : Returns a list of the new versions of the sObject records. Note that this sObject list is only available in insert and update triggers, and the records can ....