Salesforce Apex


How to get Access Token from Microsoft with grant_type as password using Apex in Salesforce?

Get the Tenant Id, client secret value(not the id). Sample Code: String strEndPoint = '{Enter_Tenant_Id}/oauth2/v2.0/token'; String strBody = 'grant_type=password&'; strBody += '&client_id={Enter_Client_Id}&client_secret={Enter_Client_Secret}'; strBody += '&username={Enter_Username}&password={Enter_Password}'; HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); ....


How to get Access Token from Microsoft with grant_type as client_credentials using Apex in Salesforce?

Get the Tenant Id, client secret value(not the id).Sample Code:String strEndPoint = '{Enter_Tenant_Id}/oauth2/v2.0/token';String strBody = 'grant_type=client_credentials&';strBody += '&client_id={Enter_Client_Id}&client_secret={Enter_Client_Secret}';HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();req.setEndpoint( strEndPoint );req.setMethod( 'POST' );req.setHeader( 'Content-Length', String.valueOf( strBody.length() ) ....