How to iterate Map data type in Salesforce Lightning Web Component?
Convert the Map Data Type values returned from the Apex Class to an array to display it on the screen using the Lightning Web Component. Sample Code: Apex Controller: public ....
Convert the Map Data Type values returned from the Apex Class to an array to display it on the screen using the Lightning Web Component. Sample Code: Apex Controller: public ....
Group and QueueSObject entities can be used to insert or create multiple Queues and associate object using Salesforce Apex. Check the following apex code to create multiple or bulk or mass ....
Sample Code: Apex Class: public class AccountListController { @AuraEnabled public static List < Account > fetchAccounts( Integer intOffSet ) { List < Account > listAccounts = new List < Account ....
Infinite or Lazy Loading in Salesforce Lightning Web Component can be done using lightning-datatable. Please check the following code for reference. For rows selection sample code, please check Sample ....
The following exception is thrown when sending emails and updating the users using apex with setSaveAsActivity set as true while sending emails. Exception: MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is ....
ConntectApi can be used to get the records that are followed in Salesforce Chatter Streams. Sample Code: ConnectApi.ChatterStream objCS = ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.getStream( null, '0Fq3t00000000u9CAA' ); System.debug( 'Chatter Stream ' + objCS ....
If EmailMessage is created with IsClientManaged flag set to true, then the users can modify EmailMessage.ContentDocumentIds to link file attachments even though the Status of the EmailMessage is not set ....
Salesforce Batch Apex can be used to mass or bulk delete records from objects in batches which will avoid hitting DML Governor Limit. Check the following sample Batch Apex class to ....
formatGMT( 'EEEE' ) can be used to return the week using Salesforce Apex. Sample Code: String strDate = '2022-12-16'; Date dateValue = Date.valueOf( strDate ); System.debug( 'dateValue is ' + ....
Database.insertImmediate() method can be used to create External Object record synchronously using Apex. Sample Code: Test__x objTest = new Test__x(); objTest.PK__c = '3'; objTest.SK__c = 'Test3'; objTest.Name__c = 'Test3'; Database.SaveResult ....