How to Initiate and send Salesforce Chat Message using REST API?
Salesforce Chat REST API can be used to initiate a Chat, send message and also end the chat. "Chat API Endpoint" in Salesforce Setup should be used to make the ....
Salesforce Chat REST API can be used to initiate a Chat, send message and also end the chat. "Chat API Endpoint" in Salesforce Setup should be used to make the ....
Salesforce SwitchServer response is returned when the Chat Live Agent instance URL is not correct for the Organization Id in the REST API Request. Example: Make a GET request to ....
Salesforce Pre-Chat info will be stored in ConversationContextEntry entity when the chat is initiated. So, we can query the ConversationContextEntry entity. To initiate Salesforce Chat via REST API, please check the ....
https://hostname/chat/rest/Visitor/Availability can used to find whether a Chat Button is available to receive new incoming Chat Requests in Salesforce. 1. Go to Chat Settings in Salesforce Setup. 2. Copy the ....