Apex Exception Email in Salesforce
Set the email addresses that receive notifications when your Apex code encounters unhandled exceptions. Emails can be sent to your Salesforce org’s users and to external email addresses. Salesforce sends ....
Set the email addresses that receive notifications when your Apex code encounters unhandled exceptions. Emails can be sent to your Salesforce org’s users and to external email addresses. Salesforce sends ....
Check whether the object's New button is overridden by the Visualforce page. If yes, then make sure your Visualforce page which overrides the "New" action on the object is marked ....
Once a synchronous Apex request runs longer than 5 seconds, it begins counting against this limit. Each organization is allowed 10 concurrent long-running requests. If the limit is reached, any ....
Bad file:Element {http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata} invalid at this location error occurs due to the following 1. Formatting in package.xml is incorrect. 2. Formatting in destrcutivechanges.xml is incorrect. Check whether some white space ....
When an sObject record is locked, no other client or user is allowed to make updates either through code or the Salesforce user interface. The client locking the records can perform logic on ....
1. When you face {"error":"unsupported_grant_type","error_description":"grant type not supported"} error, put all the information in the body instead of header. Check the following image for reference. 2. If you are using POST, ....
When updating the role hierarchy or group membership through integration or the administration console, customers might occasionally receive a “could not acquire lock” error and have to repeat the operation. ....
Exception: Service not found at: /lapi/record-ui/ salesforce Resolution: Check the URL in the request to fix this issue. Sample Successful Request:
If you face the below issue in Named Credential, make sure Default Scope is set in Auth. Provider. "The authentication provider didn't provide a refresh token. If the access token ....
System.QueryException: Aggregate query has too many rows for direct assignment, use FOR loop Salesforce Exception is thrown when the sub-query returns too many rows. In order to avoid System.QueryException: Aggregate ....