Salesforce Lookup Search Exception
Exception:Select an option from the picklist or remove the search term. Resolution:When we use Lookup field, we have to search and select the record. Just entering the name value, will ....
Exception:Select an option from the picklist or remove the search term. Resolution:When we use Lookup field, we have to search and select the record. Just entering the name value, will ....
Exception: Response signature invalid (Service: AWSSecurityTokenV20111201; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidIdentityToken; Request ID; Proxy: null). Please try again. Resolution: This issue occurs when the Idp Certificate used in the ....
Exception: "category": "NO_CATEGORY", "context": [], "eventType": "SCV_RESPONSE_ERROR", "level": "error" "code": "ERR_BAD_REQUEST" "message": "Request failed with status code 400", "name": "AxiosError", "status": 400 Request failed with status code 400 Salesforce Service ....
Unsupported method: undefined Salesforce Service Cloud Voice Exception is thrown from InvokeTelephonyintegrationApiFunction lambda if the methodName parameter is not passed. Exception: "errorType": "Error", "errorMessage": "Unsupported method: undefined" To fix the ....
Domain is not whitelisted for this deployment Salesforce Chat Exception is thrown since the Site Referrer is not configured properly on the Chat Deployment. 1. Go to the Webpage where ....
Exception:This record ID isn't valid Resolution:For Record Id reference in the Flow, we use Text data type variable. The "This record ID isn't valid" Salesforce Flow Exception is thrown when ....
Exception: You can't create a contact for this user because the org doesn't have the necessary permissions. Contact Salesforce Customer Support for help. The Salesforce Exception "You can't create a ....
Exception: System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out Callouts are not allowed when there is an uncommitted transaction pending. For example, if a save ....
Exception: System.TypeException: Cannot have more than 10 chunks in a single operation. Please rearrange the data to reduce chunking. This exception is thrown when List < sObject > variable has ....
If you face the Unable to load Embedded Messaging configuration Salesforce Exception. Check the following. 1. Make sure your Website domain where the Messaging Code is hosted is allow listed ....