How to report on article type changes in Salesforce?
1. Enable Track Field History for Knowledge Article Type. 2. Click "Set History Tracking". 3. Select the fields to track and click "Save" button. 4. Create a custom report type with Primary ....
1. Enable Track Field History for Knowledge Article Type. 2. Click "Set History Tracking". 3. Select the fields to track and click "Save" button. 4. Create a custom report type with Primary ....
Always add language='en_US' AND publishstatus ='online' in the Query. Sample Query: String strSOQL = 'SELECT Id, ArticleNumber, Title, LastModifiedDate, CreatedBy.Name FROM Knowledge__kav WHERE language='en_US' AND publishstatus = 'online''; Check the below ....
Knowledge Synonyms in Salesforce allows users to search Knowledge Articles using the synonyms configured. Synonyms are words or phrases that are treated as equivalent in searches. For example, if the ....
Salesforce Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles and make them easier to find. For example, to classify articles by sales regions and products, create two category groups: Sales Regions ....
1. Go to Setup --> Customize --> Cases --> Page Layouts. 2. Click Edit next to a page layout. 3. Click Layout Properties. 4. Check Knowledge Sidebar, and click OK. ....
Salesforce Knowledge is a knowledge base where users can easily create and manage content, known as articles, and quickly find and view the articles they need. After you set up ....