Salesforce Chat LiveAgent SwitchServer Response
Salesforce SwitchServer response is returned when the Chat Live Agent instance URL is not correct for the Organization Id in the REST API Request. Example: Make a GET request to ....
Salesforce SwitchServer response is returned when the Chat Live Agent instance URL is not correct for the Organization Id in the REST API Request. Example: Make a GET request to ....
By default, we can create case from Offline Support Form. So, in order to create Contact record, we can capture the Contact details by creating additional fields in Case object ....
Using custom Lightning Web Component as Pre-Chat page, we can make Pre-Chat fields autopopulate and not editable in Experience Cloud Site. Sample Lightning Web Component: HTML: <template> <lightning-card title="Pre-Chat Form"> ....
liveAgent:clientChatFileTransfer helps Chat visitor to upload documents or attachments when the Agents request it in live Chat Session. Sample Chat Page: <apex:page showHeader="false"> <style> body { overflow: hidden; width: 100%; ....
In this Blog Post, I have avoided using Logo and Agent Name in the Salesforce Embedded Service Chat Header. To remove Logo and Agent Name in the Salesforce Embedded Service Chat Header, ....
We can redirect users to a different page when agents are offline or not available to accept Salesforce Chats. Note: This is applicable to legacy Salesforce Chat and not the ....
This "Your conference request can't go through because the agent doesn't have view access" exception is thrown when the agent is trying to transfer to an user who doesn't have ....
1. Click Add Languages from the Experience Cloud Site Builder. 2. Add the Languages. 3. Add Language Selector Component in the Experience Cloud Site Builder. Output:
Currently, Salesforce Chat Transcript Highlight Panel is not customizable. When the Chat is Active, it will display the first message. When the Chat is completed, it will display the Chat ....
The findOrCreate Salesforce Chat method begins the API call differently for Classic Live Agent Routing and Omni-Channel Routing. Please check the following for the difference: The findOrCreate Salesforce Chat method ....