How to pass Pre-Chat data from Chat to Einstein Bot in Salesforce?
1. Create a custom field in Case object to get the values from Pre-Chat. 2. Create a custom field in Chat Transcript object to store the values from Pre-Chat. 3. ....
1. Create a custom field in Case object to get the values from Pre-Chat. 2. Create a custom field in Chat Transcript object to store the values from Pre-Chat. 3. ....
Report on Agent Work object/entity can be used to calculate Agent total spent time on Chat in Salesforce. 1. Create a Report Type on Agent Work entity. 2. Create a ....
Sample Code: Aura Component: <aura:component implements="lightningsnapin:prechatUI"> <lightningsnapin:prechatAPI aura:id="prechatAPI"/> <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.onInit}" /> <aura:attribute name="startBool" type="Boolean" default="false"/> <aura:attribute name="errorBool" type="Boolean" default="false"/> <aura:attribute name="firstName" type="Boolean" default="false"/> ....
Sample Code: <aura:component implements="lightningsnapin:prechatUI" controller="PreChatController"> If you are using Site, then do the below steps. 1. Go to the Site. 2. Click Public Access Settings. 3. Add the Apex Class to the Apex Class ....
1. Create a Chat Agent Configuration. 2. Enable "Visitor Blocking Enabled". 3. Add Agents or their profiles to it. 4. Now agents can view Block icon. Block Unwanted Chat customers: ....
Use Push Time-Out (seconds) to assign the Chat to other available agents when the agent is not accepting the Chats in Salesforce. Push Time-Out is the amount of time given ....
1. Create a Custom Field in Chat Transcript object. 2. Create the same Custom Field in Contact object. 3. Add the Custom field from Contact to the Embedded Service Chat ....
1. Enable Skills-Based Routing under Omni-Channel Settings. 2. Create a Custom Field in Chat Transcript object. I have created Skill__c(Picklist field) to route chats based on the Skill selection. 3. ....
Sample Pre-Chat Visualforce Page Code: <apex:page showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false" title="Pre-Chat Form" cache="false"> <!-- form id should be used in getElementById() --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { function ....
Chat User License is needed for agents to accept and assist the customers via Salesforce Chat feature. So, kindly check whether enough Chat User licenses are available in Salesforce Company ....