How to find your Salesforce Instance using SOQL?
SOQL Query on Organization entity can be used to find the Salesforce Instance. Sample SOQL: SELECT Id, InstanceName FROM Organization REST API SOQL Call:
SOQL Query on Organization entity can be used to find the Salesforce Instance. Sample SOQL: SELECT Id, InstanceName FROM Organization REST API SOQL Call:
CombinedAttachment is a read-only object which contains all the Google Docs, Documents, Notes, and Attachments uploaded to libraries in Salesforce CRM Content, and also the files added to Chatter that ....
To query Salesforce Picklist Field values using SOQL, use PicklistValueInfo object/entity. Sample Code: EntityDefinition objED = [ SELECT Id, DurableId FROM EntityDefinition WHERE DeveloperName = 'Account' ]; FieldDefinition objFD = ....
No such column 'BusinessHours' on entity 'Case' Exception in Salesforce is thrown since BusinessHours is not a column or field in Case Entity. Instead use BusinessHoursId or BusinessHours.Name. As per ....
We can query LoginHistory entity using AuthenticationServiceId to find the users who logged in using Social Logins. AuthenticationServiceId refers to Auth. Provider Id which is used in the Social Login. ....
LastLoginDate in Salesforce is the date and time when the Salesforce user/rep/agent last successfully logged in. Sample SOQL: SELECT Id, Name, Profile.Name, LastLoginDate FROM User WHERE LastLoginDate != null Output: ....
SOQL can be used find the last data entry date on Standard and Custom object in Salesforce. Sample SOQL: SELECT Id, CreatedDate FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:5 ORDER BY ....
Chat Session records are stored in LiveAgentSession entity. Following Sample code can be used to delete the Chat Session records permanently(hard delete). Sample Code: List < LiveAgentSession > listLiveAgentSessions = ....
SOQL on UserRecordAccess entity can be used to find user's record access in Salesforce. SOQL Syntax: SELECT RecordId, HasReadAccess, HasTransferAccess, MaxAccessLevel, HasAllAccess, HasDeleteAccess FROM UserRecordAccess WHERE UserId = '<User Id>' ....
A simple SOQL on NetworkMember object can be used to find Email Preferences of the Salesforce Experience Cloud Site Users Sample SOQL: SELECT Id, Network.Name, Member.Name, DigestFrequency, PreferencesDisableAllFeedsEmail, PreferencesDisableBestAnswerEmail, PreferencesDisableBookmarkEmail, ....