What is Visualforce page?
Visualforce is very interesting framework in Salesforce. It is a markup language you can use this to develop user interface according to your requirements in Salesforce. Visualforce runs on Force.com ....
Visualforce is very interesting framework in Salesforce. It is a markup language you can use this to develop user interface according to your requirements in Salesforce. Visualforce runs on Force.com ....
1. Create a VF page with standardController="CampaignMember". Sample Code: <apex:page standardController="CampaignMember" extensions="Sample"> </apex:page> 2. Go to Setup --> Build --> Customize --> Campaigns --> Buttons, Links, and Actions. 3. Click ....
1. Constructor of the controller. 2. Action method of the page. 3. Getter methods. 4. If there are any client-side technologies on the page, such as JavaScript, the browser executes them. ....
Sample Code: Visualforce page: <apex:page controller="Sample"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:image value="{!photoURL}"/> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page> Apex Controller: public class Sample { public String ....
Go to Ideas tab and create an idea. Sample Visualforce page: <apex:page id="thePage"> <apex:form > <apex:vote objectId="087U00000004ZU7"></apex:vote> </apex:form> </apex:page> here "087U00000004ZU7" is id of an idea created. Output: ....
Sample Code: <apex:page id="thePage"> <apex:toolbar id="theToolbar"> <apex:outputText value="Sample Toolbar"/> <apex:toolbarGroup itemSeparator="line" id="toobarGroupLinks"> <apex:outputLink value="https://www.infallibletechie.com">Infallible Techie</apex:outputLink> <apex:outputLink value="http://www.salesforce.com">Salesforce</apex:outputLink> ....
Sample Code: <apex:page > <apex:panelBar > <apex:panelBarItem label="Item 1">Panel Bar Example 1</apex:panelBarItem> <apex:panelBarItem label="Item 2">Panel Bar Example 2</apex:panelBarItem> ....
Sample Code: Visualforce Page: <apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Sample"> <apex:form > <apex:pageMessage rendered="{!NOT(updateBool)}" severity="info">Insert</apex:pageMessage> <apex:pageMessage rendered="{!updateBool}" severity="info">Update</apex:pageMessage> </apex:form> </apex:page> Apex Class: public class Sample { public ....
Sample Code: Visualforce page: <apex:page controller="Sample" tabStyle="Account"> <apex:form > <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:pageBlock id="pg"> <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1"> <apex:outputField value="{!con.FirstName}"/> ....
apex:outputText: Displays text on a Visualforce page. apex:outputField: A read-only display of a label and value for a field on a Salesforce object. Sample Code: Visualforce Page: <apex:page controller="Sample" tabStyle="Account"> <apex:form > ....