Open new page from current page using APEX
PageReference can be used to navigate from the current page to a different page using Salesforce Apex. The below code is used to open new page 'AddAllBlog' from current page. ....
PageReference can be used to navigate from the current page to a different page using Salesforce Apex. The below code is used to open new page 'AddAllBlog' from current page. ....
The following code explains how to get values from <apex:inputfield> in controller extension using apex Visualforce: <apex:pageblock title="Blog" mode="edit" > <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!nxt}" value="Next"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> ....
apex:inputField can be used to display a Field from an object in a Visualforce page. Sample Code: <apex:page standardController="Account"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Name}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Industry}"/> <apex:inputField value="{!Account.Description}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> ....
Sample Class:public class Utility { public static Set < Id > fetchUserIdsOfPublicGroup( Id groupId ) { Set < Id > userIds = new Set < Id >(); Set < ....
Sample Code: <apex:page showheader = "false"> </apex:page>
Sample Code:<apex:page sidebar = "false"></apex:page>
Sample Code: Date datobj; Integer dy =; Integer mon = datobj.month(); Integer yr = datobj.year();
The below code is used to send parameters from one visualforce page to another visualforce page. Visualforce: <apex:outputlink value = "/apex/sample"> <apex:param name = "msg" value = "hi"/> </apex:outputlink> ....
Sample code: Apex: public class SampleController { public boolean displayPopup {get; set;} public void closePopup() { displayPopup = false; } public void showPopup() { displayPopup = true; } } Visualforce ....
renderAs should be set as "pdf" in apex:page tag for rendering a Visualforce Page as PDF. Sample Code: <apex:page renderAs="pdf"> Testing PDF </apex:page> Output: For Advanced PDF rendering, please check ....