Salesforce scenario based Interview Questions

Salesforce scenario based Interview Questions

1. When Workflow limit has over in your Salesforce organization, what are all the alternatives for workflows?

  • Triggers
  • Schedulable class

2. Is it possible to write test classes for your triggers?


3.  If you want to write a workflow for a record in which age should be greater than 18 and it should be a new record. The workflow should not fire for old records. How will you achieve this?

It can be achieved through IsNew() and age>18 condition in Workflow.

4. If an user is saying that he is unable to login into Salesforce, how will you troubleshoot his login issue?

Login history.

5. Where Roll-up summary field will be there and when it can be used?

Roll-up summary field is applicable only in Master-Detail relationship and it will be present in parent object.

6. Have you used Data loader? If yes, how many records have you migrated to the maximum?

7. What is the difference between Queue and Public Group?

8. If an user is not able to view Reports and Dashboards, how will you provide access to him to Reports and Dashboards?

Create and Customize Reports and Manage public Reports permissions in Profile.

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