Formula field to find Time Zone from State field in Salesforce

Formula field to find Time Zone from State field in Salesforce

Formula field to find Time Zone from State field in Salesforce

IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘CA’, 1, ‘NV’, 1,’OR’, 1, ‘WA’, 1, 0) >=1, “Pacific Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘AZ’, 1, ‘CO’, 1,’ID’, 1, ‘MT’, 1, ‘NM’, 1, ‘UT’, 1, ‘WY’, 1, 0) >= 1, “Mountain Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘AL’, 1, ‘AR’, 1, ‘IL’, 1, ‘IA’, 1,’KS’, 1, ‘LA’, 1,’MN’, 1,’MS’, 1,’MO’, 1,’NE’, 1,’ND’, 1, ‘OK’, 1,’SD’, 1,’WI’, 1, 0) >= 1, “Central Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘CT’, 1, ‘DE’, 1, ‘GA’, 1, ‘ME’, 1, ‘MD’, 1, ‘MA’, 1,’MI’, 1, ‘NH’, 1, ‘NJ’, 1, ‘NY’, 1, ‘NC’, 1, ‘OH’, 1, ‘PA’, 1, ‘RI’, 1, ‘SC’, 1, ‘VT’, 1, ‘VA’, 1, ‘WV’, 1, 0) >= 1,”Eastern Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘AK’, 1, 0) >=1, “Alaskan Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, ‘HI’, 1, 0) >=1, “Hawaiian Standard Time”, null)+ 
IF(BillingState = ‘FL’, IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = “850”,”Central Standard Time”,”Eastern Standard Time”),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = ‘IN’, IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = “219”,”Central Standard Time”,”Eastern Standard Time”),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = ‘KY’, IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = “270”,”Central Standard Time”,”Eastern Standard Time”),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = ‘TX’, IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = “915”,”Mountain Standard Time”,”Central Standard Time”),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = ‘TN’, IF(CASE(MID(Phone,2,3),”865″,1,”423″,1,0)>=1,”Eastern Standard Time”, “Central Standard Time”),null)


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