1. Create a Custom Permission.
2. Assign it to your profile.
3. Use the sample code.
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller=”Sample”>
Checking Custom Permission in Visualforce page – {!$Permission.Create_Account}
Checking Custom Permission from Apex Class – {!accessBool }
Apex Controller:
public with sharing class Sample {
public Boolean accessBool {get;set;}
public Sample() {
accessBool = checkUserHasCustomPermissionAccess(‘Create_Account’, UserInfo.getUserId());
public static Boolean checkUserHasCustomPermissionAccess(String permissionName, Id userId) {
Set < Id > permissionSetIds = new Set < Id >();
List < User > userList = new List < User >();
for ( SetupEntityAccess access : [ SELECT ParentId FROM SetupEntityAccess
WHERE SetupEntityId IN ( SELECT Id
FROM CustomPermission
WHERE DeveloperName = :permissionName )
userList = [ SELECT Username FROM User WHERE Id IN (
SELECT AssigneeId FROM PermissionSetAssignment
WHERE PermissionSetId IN :permissionSetIds AND AssigneeId =: userId ) ];
return userList.isEmpty() ? false : true;