Data categories are used in Salesforce Knowledge (articles and article translations), Ideas, Answers, and Chatter Answers to help classify and find articles, questions, or ideas. You can use data categories to control access to a particular set of articles, questions or ideas.
Set data category visibility on profiles to control which user profile has access to the articles with that data category.
2. Article Actions
a. Read article action.
b. Manage Article permission and Read, Create, and Edit article actions.
c. Manage Article permission and Read, Create, Edit, Archive, Publish, and Delete article actions.
3. What is the use of Data Group?
Once you have category groups, you can add data categories to help agents classify and find articles, questions, or ideas.
4. What is the use of the Entitlement Process?
Entitlement processes are timelines that include all of the steps (milestones) that your support team must complete to resolve cases or work orders.
In Salesforce, an entitlement process is a set timeline for resolving cases and work orders.
5. What is the difference between an API Gateway and API Manager?
API Gateway
An API Gateway is a server that is the single entry point into the system. It is similar to the Facade pattern from object‑oriented design. The API Gateway encapsulates the internal system architecture and provides an API that is tailored to each client. It might have other responsibilities such as authentication, monitoring, load balancing, caching, request shaping and static response handling.
API Management
API management is the process of publishing, promoting and overseeing APIs in a secure, scalable environment. It also includes the creation of end user support resources that define and document the APIs.
6. Automatically Get Geocodes for Addresses fields in Salesforce
Geocodes identify a location using latitude and longitude. Geocodes also have an associated accuracy rating. Geocodes are added to the pre-existing latitude and longitude fields on accounts, contacts, and leads. The accuracy field is also populated. By default, these fields aren’t visible on records, but you can check them out in a few ways, including using custom formula fields and querying the Salesforce API.
Geocodes are added only for some standard addresses.
Billing Address on accounts
Shipping Address on accounts
Mailing Address on contacts
Address on leads
7. Differences between Last Activity and Last Modified Dates
Last Modified
The date and timestamp for changes made to an individual record and includes the User who made the change.
Last Activity
The date when a User last did something related to the record (represents one of the following):
The latest Due Date of the Closed Tasks on a record.
The latest Date of Events on a record.
Example: If a Record has multiple Activities, the “Last Activity” date will be the Due Date of the Activity furthest in the future. If the Activity Due Dates are 1/10/2018 and 2/10/2018, the Last Activity will be 2/10/2018.
A single Task may be related to more than one record. For example, a Task may be related to both an Account and an Opportunity or both a Contact and a Case. Make sure that records actually reflect last activities by using the “Related To” field whenever you log a call, create a Task, send an email, or schedule an Event.
8. Fields supported in sObject with dot notation
The only field is supported for sObject is Id.
sObject sObj = [ SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1 ];
Id acctId = sObj.Id;//Supported
String acctName = sObj.Name;//Not Supported and you cannot save the code
9. How to test Batch Apex result in Test class in Salesforce?
The call to Database.executeBatch should be included within the Test.startTest and Test.stopTest block. The job executes after the call to Test.stopTest. Any asynchronous code included within Test.startTest and Test.stopTest is executed synchronously after Test.stopTest.
10. @isTest(isParallel=true) annotation in Salesforce
Use the @isTest(isParallel=true) annotation to indicate test classes that can run in parallel and aren’t restricted by the default limits on the number of concurrent tests. This makes the execution of test classes more efficient because more tests can be run in parallel.
This annotation overrides the default settings that disable parallel testing. A test class that doesn’t have this annotation is restricted by the default limits on the number of concurrent tests.
11. Cases related list in Opportunity
Shows all the cases related to the Opportunity’s Account.
There is no Lookup(Opportunity) in Case object.
12. An asset in CPQ salesforce
Salesforce CPQ creates assets when you click Contracted on an opportunity or order. The asset creation process varies based on your account’s renewal model and the value of the asset conversion field on the product you’re contracting.
Let’s review all the options for your asset conversion field.
a. One per unit: Salesforce CPQ creates one asset record for each unit of the quote line as indicated by its quantity. For example, a quote line with a quantity of five for a non-subscription product would create five asset records each with a quantity of one.
b. One per quote line: Salesforce CPQ creates one asset record that represents the entire quantity of the quote line or order product. For example, a quote line with a quantity of five for a non-subscription product would create one asset record with a quantity of five.
c. None: Salesforce CPQ doesn’t convert this quote line to an asset. This setup is useful if you’re selling a one-time product that you don’t need to renew or track. For example, you could sell a software license subscription and then include a product that represents a user training class. Your customers continue to renew the subscription, but they don’t need to renew or track the training class.
13. tabIndex and tabOrderHint
The tabOrderHint attribute is used as a hint when calculating the value to set for the tabIndex value of the rendered HTML element or elements. It’s used to indicate the relative order in which the field is selected compared to other page components. This value must be an integer between 1 and 3276, or an expression which evaluates to an integer value in the same range. The tab order begins with component 1 being the first component selected when a user presses TAB.
The tabIndex attribute is used to directly set the tabIndex value of the rendered HTML element. It’s an absolute index setting the order in which the field is selected, compared to other page components. This value must be an integer between 0 and 32767, or an expression which evaluates to an integer value in the same range. The tab order begins with component 0 being the first component selected when a user presses TAB.
The tabOrderHint attribute is available on only the <apex:inputField> component. The tabIndex attribute can be set on the following Visualforce components.
When mixing <apex:inputField> with components that use the tabIndex attribute to set the tab order, you can multiply the tabOrderHint by 10 to get the approximate equivalent value of the tabIndex for that field. Use this to manually calculate equivalent values to set the appropriate attribute on each of the components in such a way as to set the desired tab order for all elements on the page.
14. What is ERP?
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrates functions into one system to align processes and information across the organization.
Those functions include:
Procurement/Accounts Payable
General Ledger
Fixed Assets
Cash Management
Inventory and order management
Supply planning
Warehouse Management