If Salesforce creates, updates, or deletes data in your org and then accesses external data in the same transaction, an error occurs. In your flow, we recommend using a separate transaction to access data in an external system. To do so, end the prior transaction by adding a screen or local action to a screen flow or a Pause element to an auto-launched flow. If you use a Pause element, don’t use a record-based resume time. For example, a screen flow creates a contact and then displays a confirmation screen. Next, the flow updates the contact in the external system. The flow doesn’t fail because it uses a separate transaction to access the external data.
Remote Site Settings:
Apex Class:
public class FlowController {
@InvocableMethod( label='Create Contact' description='Create Contact using Title' category='Callout' )
public static void getTitle( List < String > inputs ) {
system.debug( 'Inputs is ' + inputs );
createContact( inputs.get( 0 ) );
@future( callout=true )
public static void createContact( String strInput ) {
List < String > listInputs = strInput.split( ',' );
HTTP h = new HTTP();
HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest();
req.setEndPoint( 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/' + listInputs.get( 0 ) );
HTTPResponse res = h.send(req);
JSONWrapper wrapper = ( JSONWrapper ) JSON.deSerialize( res.getBody(), JSONWrapper.class );
If the response contains multiple values, then you can use the below code
List < JSONWrapper > listWrapper = (List < JSONWrapper >) JSON.deSerialize(res.getBody(), List < JSONWrapper >.class);
Contact objContact = new Contact();
objContact.LastName = wrapper.title;
objContact.AccountId = listInputs.get( 1 );
system.debug( 'Contact is ' + objContact );
insert objContact;
public class JSONWrapper {
public Integer userId;
public Integer id;
public String title;
public Boolean completed;