In ConversationEntry entity, MessageStatusCode will be populated if the messages are undelivered. So, query the ConversationEntry entity with MessageStatusCode to track failed or undelivered Messages in Salesforce Messaging.
SELECT Id, ActorId, ActorName, ActorType, ConversationId, EntryType, Message, MessageStatus, MessageStatusCode
FROM ConversationEntry
WHERE CreatedDate = TODAY AND MessageStatusCode != null
SELECT ChannelName, MessagingEndUser.MessagingPlatformKey, StartTime, EndTime, MessagingEndUser.MessagingConsentStatus, MessagingEndUser.IsFullyOptedIn FROM MessagingSession WHERE Id IN (
SELECT ConversationId
FROM ConversationEntry
WHERE CreatedDate = TODAY)
MessageStatusCode is only populated when a message is undelivered.
Use the following article to find the reason for failure with the Error Code.