Salesforce Interview Questions with Answers Part 71

Salesforce Interview Questions with Answers Part 71

1. What is Service Appointment?

A Service Appointment is an appointment for a field service technician to perform work for a customer.

2. What is Work Order?

A work order represents work to be performed on products.

3. What is Work Order Line Item?

A work order line item is a child record of a work order. It represents a specific subtask on a work order.

4. Field Service Lightning Health Check

FSL Health Check, also called as Integrity Checker, evaluates the status of Field Service Lightning, warns about critical issues and recommends solutions for the issues.

1. Open Field Service Admin App.

2. Navigate to Field Service Settings.

3. Click Health Check on the left side panel.

5. SuppressWarnings Annotation

The @SuppressWarnings annotation does nothing in Apex but can be used to provide information to third party tools.


Third party tools that do code scanning.

6. Scheduling Recipes in Salesforce Field Service Lightning

Declarative Optimization recipes to address common scheduling Challenges. When the Service Appointments get canceled or shortened or overlap, then the appointments can be added, removed or adjusted automatically.

Four Categories of Scheduling Recipes:

1. Canceled Appointments

2. Shortened Appointment

3. Late-End Overlap

4. Emergency Overlap


1. Open Field Service Admin App.

2. Navigate to Field Service Settings.

3. Click Automated Scheduling on the left side panel.

6. How to render or display list in Salesforce Visualforce page?

Page Block Table, Data Table, Data List and Apex Repeat can be used to render list in Visualforce page. 

Check this for sample code:

7. How to set field values to null using SOAP API in Salesforce?

fieldsToNull() can be used to set field values to null using SOAP API.

Sample Code:

sObject objContact = new sObject();  
objContact.type = "Contact";  
// Set the value of LastName to null  
objContact.fieldsToNull = new String[] { "LastName" };

8. How to make callouts from the Batch Apex?

Use “Database.AllowsCallouts” to make callouts from the Batch Apex.

9. Salesforce Security 

1. Implement Multi Factor Authentication(MFA)

2. Use Security Health Check

This is available in Salesforce Setup. It is a free.

3. Login IP Ranges

Avoids users logging in from non trusted IP Ranges.

4. Salesforce Shield

Helps additional encryption. Enables us to encrypt data at rest and not just when transmitted over a network.

5. Password Policies

We can expire the password in certain perion like 1 year, etc.

We can avoid resuing old passwords.

We can avoid weak passwords by setting Minimum password length and Password Complexity requirement.

10. Platform Events

Use Salesforce Platform Events to connect business processes in Salesforce and external apps through the exchange of real-time event data. Salesforce Platform events are secure and scalable messages that contain data. Publishers publish event messages that subscribers receive in real time. To customize the data published to the external apps, define Platform Event fields.

11. Different types of Flows in Salesforce

1. Screen Flow:

This can be launched from Quick Action.

2. Scheduled Flow:

Automatically run in specified interval like daily, weekly, etc This runs in background.

3. Record-Triggered Flow:

Runs when a record is created, updated or deleted. This runs in background like trigger or process builder.

4. Platform Event-Triggered Flow:

This runs when it is subscribed to a Platform Event.

5. Autolaunched Flow:

It runs in the background. This will be invoked by Apex, process builder, REST API, etc.

6. Omni-Channel Flow:

It is mainly to route records to agents via Omni-channel.

7. Flow Orchestrator:

Used to group multiple business process to be executed in multiple steps.

12. How to make Report Export to login Screen in Salesforce for additional security?

In Session Security Level Policies section, set Reports and Dashboards to Raise session to high assurance when exporting or printing.

13. Difference between Call Dialog and Redirect to Dialog in Salesforce Einstein Bot

Call Dialog: 

Call Dialog retains the context of the conversation and returns the conversation back to the original dialog after the second dialog(called dialog) is completed. 

Redirect to Dialog: 

Redirect to Dialog interrupts the current dialog and starts another dialog. Unlike Call Dialog, Redirect to Dialog is a one-way transfer to the new dialog.

14. Difference between Sales Dialer and Open CTI in Salesforce?

Sales Dialer in Salesforce provides a way to provision numbers and make calls directly from Salesforce application. However, if you already have a telephony system in place, Open CTI is the way to go since it integrates to that existing system. Service Cloud Voice is advance of both Sales Dialer and Open CTI.

15. Not Processed Salesforce Bulk Job Status
The batch job with this status won’t be processed by Salesforce.

This status is assigned
1. When a job is aborted while the batch job is queued.
2. For bulk API queries, if the job has PK(Primary Key) chunking enabled, this state is assigned to the original batch that contains the query when the subsequent batches are created. After the original batch is changed to this state, you can monitor the subsequent batches and retrieve each batch’s results when it’s completed.

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