How to call Salesforce Screen Flow from Standard New button?

How to call Salesforce Screen Flow from Standard New button?

1. Create a Screen Flow. Note down the Flow API Name. 

In my sample Flow, I have 

a. Information Screen – To gather Lead Details like Name, Company, Email, Etc

b. Create Lead – To create the Lead record

c. Lead Creation Confirmation Screen – To show Lead Creation Confirmation

2. Create the following Lightning Aura Component.


<aura:component implements="lightning:actionOverride" access="global" >
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
        <lightning:flow aura:id="flowData" />

Component JavaScript Controller:

    init : function ( component ) {
        let objFlow = component.find( "flowData" );
        objFlow.startFlow( "Create_Lead" );

3. Override the New button with the Lightning Aura Component.

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