How to get Agent configured and assigned Omni-Channel Capacity using Salesforce Omni toolkit API?

How to get Agent configured and assigned Omni-Channel Capacity using Salesforce Omni toolkit API?

getAgentWorkload() from Omni toolkit can be used to get Agent configured and assigned Omni-Channel Capacity.

Sample Code:

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
    <lightning:omniToolkitAPI aura:id="omniToolkit" />
        <lightning:button label="Get workload" onclick="{! c.getAgentWorkload }" /> 


( {
    getAgentWorkload: function( component, event, helper ) {
        let omniAPI = component.find("omniToolkit");
        omniAPI.getAgentWorkload().then( function( result ) {
            console.log( 'Configured capacity is: ' + result.configuredCapacity );
            console.log( 'Assigned workload is: ' + result.currentWorkload );
        } ).catch(function( error ) {
            console.log( JSON.stringify( error ) );
        } );
} )


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