How to create Files in Salesforce using REST API?

How to create Files in Salesforce using REST API?

1. Create a Connected App in Salesforce.

Callback URL should be https://{Your Salesforce Domain}

My Org Callback URL is

2. Do a POST Request to https://{Your Salesforce Domain} to get the access token.

My Org Token Endpoint URL is

3. Do a POST Request to https://{Your Salesforce Domain} to create ContentVersion record.

My Org ContentVersion endpoint URL is

Sample POST body:

  "Title" : "Test",
  "PathOnClient" : "test.txt",
  "ContentLocation": "S",
  "VersionData": "VGVzdGluZw=="

Here “VGVzdGluZw==” set in VersionData is nothing but Base64 Encoded value for “Testing”.

4. Do a GET request to https://{Your Salesforce Domain} to get the ContentDocumentId.

My Org Query endpoint URL is

Query Params:

q = SELECT+ContentDocumentId+FROM+ContentVersion+WHERE+Id=’0683t00000LqUIbAAN’

5. Do a POST Request to https://{Your Salesforce Domain}

My Org ContentDocumentLink Endpoint URL is

Sample Body:

  "ContentDocumentId" : "0693t00000L22SHAAZ",
  "LinkedEntityId" : "0013t00002XXRyDAAX",
  "Visibility": "AllUsers"


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