If you are having agents working in both Low and High Priority Salesforce Case records and would like to manage separate Capacity, then Capacity Types Not Interruptible and Interruptible can be used.
Not Interruptible Capacity Type uses Primary Capacity configured to the agent.
Interruptible Capacity Type uses Interruptible Capacity configured to the agent.
Presence Configuration:
Primary Capacity is set to 3 and Interruptible Capacity is set to 2.
High Priority Case Routing Configuration:
Capacity Type is set to “Not Interruptible” and Units of Capacity is set to 1. So, High Priority Case records uses Primary Capacity and the agent can handle 3 High Priority Case records.
Low Priority Case Routing Configuration:
Capacity Type is set to “Interruptible” and Units of Capacity is set to 1. So, Low Priority Case records uses Primary Capacity and the agent can handle 2 Low Priority Case records.