To send SMS notification in Salesforce Flow for Enhanced Channel, please use “Send Conversation Messages” element.
1. Create a Messaging Component of type Notification. In the Standard Channel, we used Messaging Templates. But, for the Enhanced SMS Channels, we have to use the Messaging Component of type Notification.

2. Create a Flow and in the flow use Send Conversation Messages” element.

Fetch MEU:
Get Records element is used to Fetch the existing Messaging User record using the Phone Number.

MEU Check:
From the Fetch MEU Get Records Element, we are checking whether the matching Messaging User is found or not.

MEUIds variable:

Existing MEU Assignment:
If the existing MEU is found, the Messaging User Id is added to the MEUIds variable.

Fetch Messaging Channel:
Using Get Records Element, we are fetching the Messaging Channel to create the Messaging User.

Create MEU:
Create Records element is used to create the Messaging User record.

New MEU Assignment:
Newly created Messaging User Id is added to the MEUIds variable.

Send Conversation Messages configuration: