Salesforce Einstein BOT Context Variable “LiveChatTranscript.Id” will be null if the Routing Type is not either ‘Omni-Channel’ or ‘Button Skills’. So, the RoutingId will be null if you choose Choice, Least Active and Most Available as the Routing Type.
When the routing type is not ‘Omni-Channel’ or ‘Button Skills’ the RoutableId(LiveChatTranscript.Id) will be null. For the legacy Live Agent Routing Types such as ‘Choice,’ ‘Least Active,’ and ‘Most Available,’ the routableId will be null because the Chat Transcript(LiveChatTranscript) object record is generated after ending the Chat Conversation.
For Routing Types ‘Omni-Channel’ and ‘Button Skills’, Chat Transcript(LiveChatTranscript) object record is created immediately when the Chat is initiated. So, the RoutableId(LiveChatTranscript.Id) will not be null.