Invoke Record Triggered Flow in Salesforce Approval Process

Invoke Record Triggered Flow in Salesforce Approval Process

Apex trigger will not be invoked as a result of initiating or completing an approval process.

Help Article:

Similarly, it is not supported for record-triggered Salesforce Flows.

Idea for this feature:

Please vote for the above idea to avoid customization.


  1. Create a checkbox field in the object where Approval Process is developed.
  2. Use a Field Update to set the checkbox to true when the record is submitted for approval, approved, rejected or recalled. This will field update will trigger the Salesforce record-triggered flow.
  3. In the record-triggered flow, set the checkbox field to false.

In this video, I have used Process Instance and Approval Request objects to get the awaiting approver details to update the record which was submitted for Approval.

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