Salesforce Trigger to set Latest Opportunity for an Account

Salesforce Trigger to set Latest Opportunity for an Account

Salesforce Apex Trigger can be used to set the latest Opportunity for an Account.

In the following Apex Trigger, I have used a custom field “Latest_Opportunity__c” on the Opportunity Object. This new custom field “Latest_Opportunity__c” on the Opportunity Object will be set as true for only one latest Opportunity for a given account record. Opportunities are ordered by the Created Date to find the latest. For the out-of-date opportunities, it will be set as false.

Sample Apex Trigger:

trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity ( before insert, after insert ) {
     * For every new Opportunity, we can set the Latest as true
    if ( trigger.isBefore && trigger.isInsert ) {
        for ( Opportunity objOppty : ) {
            if ( String.isNotBlank( objOppty.AccountId ) ) {
                objOppty.Latest_Opportunity__c = true;
     * After the Opportunity creation, 
     * we can set the Latest as false for the existing ones
    if ( trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert ) {
        Set < Id > setAccountIds = new Set < Id >();
        for ( Opportunity objOppty : ) {
            if ( String.isNotBlank( objOppty.AccountId ) ) {
                setAccountIds.add( objOppty.AccountId );
        if ( setAccountIds.size() > 0 ) {
            List < Opportunity > listOpportunities = new List < Opportunity >();
            for ( Account objAccount : [ 
                SELECT Id, ( 
                    SELECT Id, Latest_Opportunity__c 
                    FROM Opportunities 
                    WHERE Latest_Opportunity__c = true 
                    ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC 
                FROM Account 
                WHERE Id IN: setAccountIds 
            ] ) {
                Boolean isLatestOppty = true;
                for ( Opportunity objOppty : objAccount.Opportunities ) {
                    if ( isLatestOppty ) {
                        isLatestOppty = false;
                    } else {
                        objOppty.Latest_Opportunity__c = false;
                        listOpportunities.add( objOppty );
            if ( listOpportunities.size() > 0 ) {
                update listOpportunities;


Sample Apex Code to check the trigger:

You can execute the following apex code to check the functionality.

//Creating Account record
Account objAccount = new Account( Name = 'Test1af' );
insert objAccount;

//Creating Opportunity records
List < Opportunity > listOpptys = new List < Opportunity >();
Opportunity oppty1 = new Opportunity();
oppty1.Name = 'Test 1';
oppty1.AccountId = objAccount.Id;
oppty1.StageName = 'Qualification';
oppty1.CloseDate = 30 );
listOpptys.add( oppty1 );
Opportunity oppty2 = new Opportunity();
oppty2.Name = 'Test 2';
oppty2.AccountId = objAccount.Id;
oppty2.StageName = 'Qualification';
oppty2.CloseDate = 30 );
listOpptys.add( oppty2 );
insert listOpptys;

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