Validation in Salesforce Flow

Using Custom Error Flow Component, we can do record validations in the Salesforce Flow.

Flow gives more flexibility when compared to the Salesforce Validation Rules.

In the record-triggered Flow, the “Optimize the Flow for” should be “Fast Field Updates” for validating the records. “Fast Field Updates” allows us to do the validations before save(New or Update) operation.

Sample Salesforce Record-Triggered Flow:

Using a Record-Triggered Flow, we are checking whether Industry picklist field value is populated. If the value is not selected for the Industry picklist field, using Custom Error Flow component, the error message is thrown to the users.

Industry Check Decision configuration:

Using the Decision Flow element, we are checking whether Industry picklist field value is selected or not.

Industry is Required Message Custom Error Configuration:

Using Custom Error Flow component, the error message is configured.


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